What is Possum Merino And Why Does it Keep You So Warm?

Last Updated on 04/03/2022

possum merino wool

What Is Possum Merino and Why Does It Keep You so Warm?

If you have never been to New Zealand, you might not have heard about the amazing benefits of Possum Merino wool before. Even if you do know about merino wool or own some yourself, you may never have been exposed to the performance-enhancing benefits of blending possum fur and merino wool together.

While Cashmere wool has long been considered the premium wool for fashionable woolen clothing, Merino wool has grown to be regarded as the best type of wool for making certain outdoor clothing. It is super lightweight, warm, breathable, odor-resistant, and hard-wearing amongst other things, and is perfect for things like hiking socks, base layers, and neck buffs.

Possum Merino, on the other hand, is a mix of possum fur and merino wool, both of which are found in New Zealand in abundance (more on this later). Using a blend of merino wool, possum fur, and silk yarn – you get a luxuriously soft material that has some incredible properties. For example, studies have shown that Merino Possum wool is 35% warmer than cashmere wool, 55% warmer than merino wool on its own, and 14% lighter, but that’s not all…

To learn more about the benefits of merino wool for outdoor clothing, check out this article.

What makes Possum Merino so Good for Hats, Gloves, and Scarfs?

possum merino wool polar bear fur

Microscopic view of the hollow core in polar bear fur

Experts believe that possum fur is one of the top 3 warmest furs in the world, beat only by the polar bear and Arctic fox. An interesting fact about all three of these animals is that their fur is so warm it never freezes. Imagine that! The amazing hollow-core construction that all three of these furs have is what makes them so warm, and such good insulation for both man and beast.

As well as being comfortable for humans to wear, possum fur is incredibly versatile. The soft ends of possum fiber make it ideal for knitwear and give it anti-piling properties. Incredibly, it turns out to be a great stabilizer to both cashmere and merino wool – which makes your clothes warmer, lighter, and resistant to shrinkage in the wash.

Similar to merino wool, possum fur is also incredibly soft, lightweight, breathable, and will keep you warm even if it gets wet. This makes the two materials a perfect match for blending together. The advantage this has for things like hats and scarfs is that it feels great against your skin and you can always rely on it to keep you cozy and warm.

Isn’t wearing Fur wrong?

This is a matter of strong opinions, but in my view is that there is a big difference between wearing fur for fashion – and wearing fur for function. I am an animal lover and also very against hunting for sport but do think hunting for meat is far better than buying it from a supermarket, bar the convenience. This might sound strange but it works for me. You are entitled and to your own opinion and encouraged to always stand by it with an open mind.

common brushtail possum

The Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus Vulpecula) was first introduced to New Zealand from Australia about 150 years ago in the misguided hope of establishing fur farms in the country. The number of possums rapidly spiraled out of control, hitting an estimated high of 70 million in the year 2000. Devouring 20,000 tons of vegetation every night as well as decimating the population of ground-nesting birds, possums are a massive threat to many native species of fauna and flora.

Considered a pest in New Zealand, possums are not farmed for their fur and instead are collected as a byproduct of the government’s culling operation. This may or may not make you feel better about buying Possum Merino products, but have seen for myself how much damage has been caused to the native species, at least the furs aren’t going to waste.

Anything else I should know about Merino Possum?

Merino Possum is great for outdoor people and backpackers who, shall we say, don’t always have access to a washing machine and a clean bed. This is thanks to the odor-resistant, moisture-wicking, and fast-drying properties that both of these natural fibers possess. If you were to buy one piece of Possum Merino wool wear, I would certainly recommend starting with a Possum Merino Hat.

Related: Best Merino Wool Socks for Hiking

Check out these Possum Merino Hats, Gloves, and Socks

possum merino hat koru design55% New Zealand Merino Wool, 35% Brushtail Possum, 10% Pure Mulberry Silk, naturally made in New Zealand, single thickness ribbed knit, Koru (Māori for "loop") design based on the Silver Ferngear assistant outdoor social influencer
Possum Merino Slouch BeanieLightweight Possum Merino Slouch Beanie - Made in New Zealand, single thickness ribbed knit, unisex, one size fits allgear assistant outdoor social influencer
Possum Merino Hat Ribbed Knit55% New Zealand Merino Wool, 35% Brushtail Possum, 10% Pure Mulberry Silk, naturally made in New Zealand, single thickness ribbed knitgear assistant outdoor social influencer
Possum Merino Peaked Hat55% New Zealand Merino Wool, 35% Brushtail Possum, 10% Pure Mulberry Silk, naturally made in New Zealand, single thickness ribbed knit with peaked visorgear assistant outdoor social influencer
Possum Merino GlovesPossumDown Lightweight Brushtail Possum Merino Wool Blend Glovesgear assistant outdoor social influencer
Possum Merino Fingerless GlovesOpen Finger Gloves, 55% New Zealand Merino Wool, 35% Brushtail Possum, 10% Pure Mulberry Silk, naturally made in New Zealandgear assistant outdoor social influencer
Possum Merino SocksNew Zealand Wool/Brushtail Possum Blend Rib Socks, 55% New Zealand Merino Wool, 35% Brushtail Possum, 10% Pure Mulberry Silk, naturally made in New Zealandgear assistant outdoor social influencer

merno sheep

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This article has been written and/or edited by Andrew N. 20+ years of hiking, mountaineering, and camping experience, with access to all the latest outdoor gear.

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