
The latest Gear Assistant posts and articles all on one page, this is where you can find all new content and Gear Assistant Reviews. Hiking Gear, Camping Gear, Tech, Outdoor Gear and Travel Gear Advice and Reviews for the Outdoor Gear Enthusiast. We provide independent opinions on products as well as comparison and top 10 lists to help with all manner of subjects. We provide accurate descriptions and images for the best Outdoor Gear available and include affiliate links to the best price where possible. Don’t miss another post and save this page in your bookmarks today.

In this review of the Sea To Summit Big River 50L Waterproof Backpack, I share the results of testing this backpack over the past few months. You will ...

Are hiking poles worth it? In this article, we share the pros and cons of using hiking poles vs not using hiking poles and ultimately, whether they are ...

In this Sea To Summit Ultra-Sil Nano Tarp Poncho Review, I share the results of testing this waterproof poncho in humid, wet conditions. You will learn how ...

In this guide on what to wear hiking in 50F degree weather (10 C / 50 F), I share the system I use to ensure I never get too hot or too cold on the trail. ...

In this Sea To Summit Ember III review, I share my experiences so far with this ultralightweight and warm camping quilt. If you are looking for the ...

In this article, we answer the question, what is silnylon? You will learn how it is made and what makes silnylon an ideal material for outdoor gear, ...

In this Sea To Summit Spark IV down sleeping bag review, I share my recent experiences and thoughts on one of the most lightweight and compact 4 season ...

In this Sea To Summit Ether Light XT Review, I share my honest opinions and experiences after sleeping on the Ether Light XT sleeping pad from Sea to ...

We found out if you can have a fire under a tarp, the best material to use for a tarp over a fire, and how far away the flames should be to avoid burning ...

In this Sea to Summit Aeros Down Pillow Review, we share our experience using a down-filled inflatable camping pillow for the first time and how it ...

In this guide on how to blackout a tent, we share several ways to make your tent blackout or, at the very least, more of a dark room tent. You will learn ...

In this guide on how to sleep in a sleeping bag, we share the tips and tricks to getting a good night's sleep in a sleeping bag. You will learn about the ...

In this guide to the best bushcraft knife, I share the most durable, well-made, and versatile bushcraft knives that can do anything from split firewood to ...

In this short guide to the different types of camping stoves you can use under a tarp, we share our experience with cooking under a tarp shelter and why ...

In this guide to cooking under a tarp, we share the dos and don'ts of cooking food underneath a rain tarp. You will learn the distance that the tarp needs ...

In this guide to the best long sleeve hiking shirt for hot weather, we share the nine most lightweight, breathable, and moisture-wicking shirts with long ...

Are blackout tents worth it? In this article, we share the pros and cons of darkroom tents and the truth about whether they actually work. You will learn ...

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